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Instead of feeding membranes with pressure, there’s a different approach to utilize slight hydraulic pressure by submerging membranes into the feed slurry. Besides this hydraulic pressure there’s suction from the filtrate side.

These filters are commonly used in and with biological reactors where bacteria or other organisms are used for biological activities like organics reduction.  MBR allow running the reactor at higher loads and result in clean filtrate, complying with European and US legislations.

These filters are aerated for cleaning assist as well as additional oxygen input to support the biological activity.


There are different types of membranes in use:


Hollow fiber – this was the first type on the market. Works with success however due to the hollow fibers connection on top is sensitive to fouling.  Consequently requires very frequent cleaning.  Back washing is possible.


Plate and flat sheet – this type uses flat sheets on frames.  The panels are attached on the top which also cause sensitive fouling areas like the Hollow fiber.  Back wash is not possible


Flat Sheet Laminate – these are the latest generation of MBR membranes by Microdyn.  They combine all the positive characteristics of earlier membranes without their negative ones:

  • High packing rate, much filtration area per volume

  • Open flat sheet construction with no obstructions or fouling spots on the top

  • Suitable for back wash

  • Least chemical cleaning required

  • Excellent drainage and filtration rates

  • Very heavy duty sturdy self closing membranes

  • Suitable for Mechanical Cleaning Process with special polymeric granulate


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